Threads. Bare Naked, Micro-dosing and our Skewed Evolution.
We trudged across the stones, me barely keeping my balance on some of the more mossy rocks and realising with every step, that while most of the time my feet are bare, they aren’t conditioned to this kind of brutality.
Little Harry and I led the pilgrimage to the deeper pool, its one I’ve been searching for, for what has felt like months. In reality, my perception of time - warped. It has been a mere few weeks.
It’s been 3 weeks since we left our apartment, moved further down the Valley and into an apartment with no bath. As a result, our daily cold-plunge ritual prior to breakfast has been disrupted. Now, every second or third day, I grab my towel, throw on my Birkenstocks and adventure outdoors for my deliberate cold exposure. And to be quite frank with you, Im grateful for the shift in environment.
There is something profound that our human body experiences when in the cold. Couple that with the natural exhilaration of an alpine stream rushing past you, slow inhalations of fresh mountain air, staring up at the clouds through sky-high pines... then infuse that with the heart-opening plant medicine that is psilocybin and offftt: you’ve got yourself an experience that has those getting high doing lines of dopamine and distraction on Threads, COMPLETELY missing the point of life.
While I share this statement, its not true for everyone. I know that. I trust you to move with discernment. You’re a woman who views the world through anything other than rose-coloured glasses!
Another app, another sugar high, another distraction, another avenue to turn us into a commodity, while they usher in new laws against our sovereignty.
This won’t be a Substack about the dark-happenings of WEF and WHO, although if you haven’t seen, I do encourage you to research natural ways of fighting malaria…
As Threads is being marketed as the ‘kind’ version of Twitter, with censorship galore and data tracking up the waazoo, influencers are pushing it as THE platform to ‘re-invent yourself’ and as an antidote to the boredom one feels scrolling the social airways of IG and FB…
Let’s just stop and take a breath here for a moment shall we?
Reinvention doesn’t happen through a screen, it happens in our body, it happens in our decisions, it happens in our relationships, it happens when you pick up the mic and speak, it happens between the sheets with your man, it happens when you accept your wrong-doings and consciously choose to make amends, it happens in our ability to get down on our children’s level and apologise for overreacting at insignificant sh*t, all because we’ve been scrolling and our nervous system is jacked…
Here is the image I shared on FB the day after Threads was released. A whopping 30million people downloaded the app in those first 24 hours!
… I found myself triggered when a Woman I admire, commented on my, in her words; “carefully curated photo and caption”… thereby suggesting the message of my post to be hypocritical. My husband captured this image. He captured a moment in time, as we were experiencing it. Its an image I actually adore. Its one that I will remember. It took courage to get to where I am today, to love this body and adorn myself with this one piece showcasing my best asset. 😉
{side note here: I was going to send back to the Australian Designer a few weeks ago - because how dare I wear such a swimsuit?!… and then I was reminded that we’re all supposed to be naked frolicking in these natural water playgrounds… and so I cut the tags and put that thing on! - this is your reminder to wear the swimsuit this summer!}
I shared it with a clear caption expressing what I embody... I wrote it in less that a minute… there was no curation, that season of my life is well and truly over. Perhaps you feel the call to shed the curation from your life too?
This experience showed me was how far I have come, her comment was a gift. An opportunity to zoom out, collect my thoughts, honour the bubbling of any wounded projections that wanted airtime, to move into conscious consideration AND. THEN. PAUSE.
The pause. Something easily notable through our cognition, yet barely embodied in this fast paced reactionary life.
While I don’t always get the recipe or timing of the-great-pause right, what I do get bang-on, is the self-reflection. Despite the excruciating discomfort my entire body experiences in the face of truth (aka not getting the-great-pause right and how that may affect others), what I know: is that the willingness to feel-it-all that I welcome today, is a huge sign of the healing that has happened.
And damn am I proud of myself for that and the ripple effect that is continues to have.
I guess what I am saying here is : what is cost of you not learning how to sit in stillness, presence and the discomfort that arises here?
Learning to sit with ourselves when we want to run, is a god-damn REINVENTION.
And it will take a letting go of the curation in your life, a burning it all down, saying NO to things that have you living life out of alignment with your values and actually walking the pilgrimage HOME.
What would life look like if you quit curating every part of you and instead of well-manicured exterior, there was earth beneath your fingernails, a nourished internal landscape and liberation lived at the helm?
Get honest with me here. Perhaps you could use the comments below as an opportunity to share, to let your voice roar, to reflect on what this brings up for you.
Im here to witness you.
~ Perhaps you desire an intentional shift in your environment and/or location?
~ Perhaps you’d like to try plant medicine and swim in an alpine stream?
~ Perhaps you’re ready to walk away from that job you hate, that you go to week-in, week-out just to escape the relationship or home-life you detest?
~ Perhaps it’s time to pack your bags, book the flight and seek out adventure and life-giving conversation with another expat exploring the world and themselves?
~ Perhaps it is time to quit the under-resting, overthinking, over-drinking and over-buffering, and begin to nourish the body you live within, in a way that brings you ALIVE (and sets up a sturdy foundation for your later years … the ignorance we have today, will be the body we live in tomorrow … )?
There are always considerations to take into account, when making fresh decisions. No matter how soul-aligned and coherent a decision may be with our values, we need to understand that The Universal Law of Cause and Effect matters. It states that ‘for every effect there is a definite cause, likewise for every cause, there is a definite effect’.
I believe that this is looks very different for each one of us, for each of our unique life circumstances, and current level of consciousness and healing. While for every new decision we make, there will likely be a fallout, it isn’t anything that we cannot handle or cannot navigate.
The unknown is something to be embraced and welcomed; we are divinely created to ADAPT.
Every invitation that lands with you and that YOU CHOOSE, is meant for you. It is in meeting what unravels thereafter, that causes you to DEVELOP. Let the hard times and the discomfort develop your character. This is your ‘becoming whole again’ journey.
Trust yourself.
Trust your decisions.
Trust your ability to handle it all.
Our skewed evolution and toxic society has stolen so much from within us.
We are the only ones who can bring it back. We are the only ones who can make the return to the ways that nourish the soul, awaken the body, consciously guide our children and connect our spirits.
Before any of that is even possible, we have to pack our individual bags and begin the pilgrimage home, to delete the unnecessary from our lives, to digest and heal what lingers too long and causes us immense pain, to bring online the grit it takes to devote ourselves to nourishing our body while forgoing the temptation that lingers all day long in the world around us…
Nature is here to support us in remembering who we are. We don’t need the flashy stuff we’re told we need. Often it is the earth beneath our feet, and a heart full of love that illuminates the path ahead. And without a road-map, we know our next move... I believe we all do. It’s just whether or not we dare to take the first step.
‘Our souls were born to participate fully in the wild world around us.’
Walking tall, by your side,
Shannon x